As the RTPA (Regional Transportation Planning Agency) for Humboldt County, HCAOG is responsible for completing various fiscal and administrative duties necessary for the region to access state and federal funds.
HCAOG is guided by federal Title VI mandates and strives to not only meet these mandates, but to create an overall transparent, inclusive planning process. This document establishes a framework for HCAOG’s efforts to ensure compliance with Title VI and related statutes regarding nondiscrimination. A commitment to Title VI has, and continues to be, reflected in HCAOG’s Overall Work Program, communications, public involvement efforts, and overall operations.
This manual contains specific policies and procedures adopted by the Humboldt County Association of Governments, in its role as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for Humboldt County.
SB 272 - The California Public Records Act Inventory The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) uses information technology systems to process, manage, and report on data and information to conduct agency business. In the spirit of transparency, openness, and compliance with State law, HCAOG discloses a list of its enterprise information technology systems (Enterprise Systems Catalog). HCAOG will update this catalog annually. California Senate Bill 272, an extension of the California Public Records Act, provides regulatory requirements on this disclosure.
The Public Participation Plan describes how the public can receive information from HCAOG, and how the public can provide input into regional planning, such as giving input when HCAOG develops and implements transportation plans, programs, or projects.
Funding & Work Programs
The Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) is a program of highway, local road, transit and active transportation projects that a region plans to fund with State and Federal revenue. The RTIP becomes part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), approved in even-numbered years.
The Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) is a program of highway, local road, transit and active transportation projects that a region plans to fund with State and Federal revenue. The RTIP becomes part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), approved in even-numbered years.
The RTIP defines transportation projects that local jurisdictions plan to accomplish using applicable State and Federal funds. The RTIP includes projects for highways, local roads, trails, bicycling, and walking. The RTIP becomes part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), approved in even-numbered years.
The Overall Work Program (OWP) is a one-year scope of work and budget for transportation planning activities that HCAOG will accomplish in the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
RSTP funds originate from the federal excise tax on gasoline and are distributed throughout the state based on county populations. In the Humboldt region, most RSTP funds are used to augment city and county road budgets.
Pursuant to HCAOG's adopted Rules and Regulations, 2% of the available Transportation Development Act Local Transportation Funds is set aside for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicyclists.